Dear Dr. Mimi: Undercompensated

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I have been with my company for three years now, and I find that my boss has
been giving me more and more responsibilities throughout my time here.
I’m happy my boss trusts me enough to handle the tasks, but all the extra duties
aren’t in my job description and I’m not being compensated for them. I don’t want
my boss to think I’m lazy and can’t handle more responsibility. How do I make my
boss mindful of the fact that I’m not getting paid for any of the extra work I’ve
been doing?

Dear Undercompensated:
The best thing you can do is sit down and express to your boss that you feel you’re doing more,
working harder and not earning anything extra. If you like the responsibilities that are
being asked of you, then let your boss know that you’ll gladly take on the challenges and that
you need the correct compensation. Sell yourself and make the conversation about the value
you’ve been bringing to the organization by taking on those extra tasks. If they are not in
a position to pay you more, think about other benefits that would help you feel like
you’re earning your worth.
—Dr. Mimi

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