It’s Time for 360-Degree Feedback

As leaders rise in their organizations, we have found they receive less and less candid information about their performance. Our custom 360-degree
feedback surveys give accurate and helpful feedback in a constructive and confidential manner. Subjects can choose who gives feedback and they can
include supervisors, direct reports, peers, and customers. They also give their own ratings about their performance. Why do 360 feedback?
Increased Self-awareness: Our 360 feedback gives employees insight into how they are perceived by others. Participants receive a report that includes their strengths and areas for improvement along with specific comments and suggestions. The individual compares their ratings with those of the raters.
Helps set priorities for development: Our 360 rates the item’s importance to success along with how well it is done. If their boss or others see something as very important and they don’t, this information provides valuable insight into each of
their priorities.
Balanced View: Our 360s are useful to the employee as they provide a well-rounded and balanced view of their skills and behaviors from a variety of people, who may, in fact, have differing experiences with the same individual.
Uncovers Blindspots: Because our 360 gives customized multi-rater feedback, it enables the employee to recognize the behaviors that others see, but they haven’t noticed themselves. This allows an individual to focus on often overlooked behaviors.
Leverages Strengths: Our 360 also identifies strengths. This is imperative for personal improvement and the creation of a tailored well-constructed development plan which impacts an employee’s career growth and the organization’s effectiveness.
Development of Skills: Our 360 gives individuals ownership over their own improvement. This encourages individual accountability and control over their career paths which increases the employee engagement.
For more information on providing or
receiving 360 feedback, do contact us
today at 407-628-0669 or

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