Why Female Board Members?


Women, and other minorities, are taking higher-level positions with
organizations. A diverse team – in any business capacity – adds tangible and
measurable value to the organization. A variety of backgrounds increases
adaptability to an ever changing environment.

So why are Boards not appointing and reaping the benefits of having more
women? Women can offer a depth and breadth of insight, perspective and
experience to organizations that all male boards cannot.

Boards may appoint a “token” female member to “show” diversity. However,
little regard is given to the advantage of thought and experience that gender
diversity adds to the discussion.

However, if there is only one female board member, she can be reticent to
express her opinion as she does not want to be the “only lonely” voice at the table.
Women are more comfortable if they have other women at the table. When
there are at least two, she feels like there may be an ally at the table and is more
likely to express unique perspectives.

Why should a Board add more women to the mix? There is a clear financial
incentive. Companies boasting Boards with more women, yield greater financial
returns. Gender diversity leads to discussing significant topics like marketing,
externally and internally, which contributes to a greater engagement,
motivation and growth. When companies appoint Board members, specifically
women, to promote diversity of thought, experience and background as opposed
to having an “appearance of diversity,” they will reap true benefits and

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