Board Members…Term Limits?

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Having trained many Boards, I am often asked, “How long should someone serve on a Board?” Why not forever? Why have term limits? Here are some of the “pros” for term limits.
1) Diversity of thought. You need new Board members who can offer new ideas, skills, and opportunities. With new Board members, there are multiple perspectives and talents that can be accessed as well.
2) Involving more Board members improves fundraising. New Board members bring new constituencies. More people get to know about your organization and more people support it with their time, treasure and talents.
3) Term limits reduce burnout. Term limits offer Board members a break from
the workload that comes with the position. Motivation will be higher if
members know that an end is in sight. This may drive them to do their best in their allotted time.
4) Term limits allow a respectful leave. When it is time for the Board
member to exit, they can do so gracefully. You can always reappoint
them if desired.
5) Not every Board member is perfect. Some may have poor attendance, be disruptive during meetings, or cause other issues. With term limits, these people can roll off the Board without confrontation.
6) You can grow a base of “alumni.” Past members can be called on to
share their experiences on the Board, and help guide new members to their
greatest potential.
(On a Board? Call Dr. Mimi to train it!)

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