Dear Dr. Mimi: No Fun

Dear Dr. Mimi:
In the past, we have put on really great events after business hours to keep our employees, as well as their families, involved and interacting. These special events gave our employees something to look forward to and they incorporated fun into the job. Our firm has suffered some financial setbacks, and we were told to tighten our belts, so no special events are happening. Our staff has been asking me about them. I am concerned that not having these events will lower the morale of a staff that is already feeling low. What should I do?
—No Fun

Dear No Fun:
Have you expressed your concerns to higher management? If not, you should start there. Let them know that these events build good rapport and that they do not have to be expensive. Think in terms of a picnic in a park, a pizza party, an ice cream social, a potluck luncheon or a walk for charity. The events give employees and their families something to look forward to, as well as a chance for camaraderie. By the way, you might want to consider including some team-building exercises to increase morale.
—Dr. Mimi

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