DISC Profiles of Biblical Men

DISC is key in employee development for organizations worldwide as it analyzes behavior and helps people understand “why they do what they do.” The D in DISC describes someone dominant and direct. The I describes someone interactive and influencing. The S describes someone systematic and supportive, and the C describes someone conscientious and cautious. Knowing DISC, can help you understand how people work, both now and in Biblical times.
Dominance-Apostle Paul. Paul was direct and assertive when preaching the Gospel and knew his mission. He spoke boldly even in the face of opposition. He demonstrated D traits by establishing many churches, in different regions, and providing instruction via his letters, that make up most of the New Testament. Paul was adept at confronting others as we can see when he confronts Cephas in Galatians 2:11-14.
Influence-King David. David was outgoing and charismatic. In 1 Samuel 17, David’s success continued as he rose in the chain of command, and people from all the towns of Israel created chants about him. We also see his social ability in the example of Jonathan and David’s friendship where their strong and influential connection averted David from death, in 1 Samuel 18-20.
Steadiness-Abraham. Abraham was very patient, loyal and reliable even when times got tough and situations got difficult. In Genesis 12, God told him to leave his homeland and go to the land that God has shown him. He did! This shows his sense of loyalty. He also shows patience by waiting for God to give him a son, despite his and Sarah’s age. Genesis 12-21.
Conscientiousness-Matthew. As the tax collector, Matthew was a detail-oriented individual. We see this translated in his scripture writings which are structured and include the genealogy of Jesus. His precise and detailed information, provides additional context not found in other Synoptic Gospels (Mark and Luke). We also see this in his writing of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.
To summarize, the Bible provides excellent examples of men showing the different DISC behaviors. Learning these DISC styles helps us better understand them and ourselves. Do you know your DISC Style? We can help!!!

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