Dear Dr. Mimi- Non-Communicative Boss

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I have had my current job for a year and I am lost. I am now working from home, and my boss thinks she is a good communicator. However, she never tells me those extra things she wants to be done and then she gets upset when I haven’t completed them. I basically like my job, but in the meantime, I need to keep my sanity. Can you help me?
—Not Seen and Not Talked To

Dear Not:
Your boss may be suffering from “out of sight, out of mind” syndrome, and she is also probably stressed because of the pandemic. How about contacting her and asking her to meet with you (virtually) each Friday to go over what has been done and what needs to be done for the following week. After the “meeting,” send her a quick email summarizing the conversation. That way, you both have a record!
—Dr. Mimi

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