Welcome from Dr. Mimi Hull, Workplace Consultant

Welcome to our Blog. We hope that you will take the time to read what we post, make postings of your own and let us know what you think. It is our desire to have a community here that will be responsive concerning employee relations, team building, leadership and/or any other topic that deals with people and how we can work better together.

Posted here will be: bi-weekly updates of Hull & Associates’ status, more in-depth analysis of certain newsletter topics, and letters that I have received. I would greatly appreciate your comments, solutions and suggestions. I am certain that together we will have many more great ideas.

In addition to all of this, recent newsletters will also be available for download at the links section on this blog.

Again, if you have any thoughts, questions or comments, we look forward to your posting them as well.

Thanks so much for your participation.
Best regards,
Dr. Mimi Hull

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  • Dear Dr. Mimi- Feeling Like A Failure

    Dear Dr. Mimi,I messed up at my job. We had a big project that I worked hard on, and it just wasn’t as successful as we had hoped. I feel like such a failure! How do I tell my boss about it?—Feeling Like a Failure Dear Feeling,It is hard when a project doesn’t go the…

  • Dear Dr. Mimi- Feeling Unfulfilled at Work

    Dear Dr. Mimi,I have been working in my current role at my organization for almost five years. While at first, the role was exciting and satisfying, recently I have found it to be more routine and unfulfilling. I don’t hate what I do, but I don’t love it either. What suggestions do you have in…

  • Role Ambiguity Hurts Everyone

    If job satisfaction and commitment are down, and turnover is up, role ambiguity may be the cause. As organizations navigate the complexities of the modern workplace, addressing role ambiguity is essential for fostering a healthy, motivated, and productive workforce. What is role ambiguity? It is characterized by uncertainty about work responsibilities, roles, and authority. Who…