Personality Assessments in the Workplace

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Personality assessments, like the DISC or the MBTI (Myers-Briggs) provide insights into people in minutes what can take months or years to do without them. In addition to saving time getting to know the person, below are 10 reasons to use these types of assessments in the workplace. Why use assessments? Because they:

1. Help make informed decisions about placement, promotion, and leadership by measuring attitudes, work habits, interests and motivations.

2. Encourage employees to develop by delineating strengths and opportunities for improvement.

3. Identify communication skills required for people to thrive in new positions.

4. Help build a team so that blind spots are covered.

5. Assist teams to understand each other and work better together.

6. Support both managers and sales people to design their programs to gain better acceptance and results.

7. Help people to build on their strengths and adapt strategies to improve on their weaknesses.

8. Instill an appreciation that different does not mean wrong.

9. Reduce conflict by having an understanding of why people do what they do.

10. Reduce turnover. People stay when personality conflicts are reduced and people get along.

By the way, the next DISC Certification is June 13th!

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