Meet the Millennials


The generation of workers born roughly after 1980 is known as the Millennials, Generation Y, or the Boomlets. Eighty-million strong, they soon will account for the majority of American workers, especially as Boomers start to retire.

Millennials share lots of information about themselves, including their political views and expect others to as well. They are on myspace, facebook, the knot and a variety of other websites, where they tell all about themselves.

Millennials are forcing a cultural shift on employers. They won’t do something just because you say so.

Three of the ways employers go wrong with Millennials are:
1. discounting their ideas for lack of experience
2. allowing negativity and
3. not meeting their high expectations.

Millennials will work hard for someone who truly mentors and trains them. They are team-oriented and eager to tackle huge challenges.

(From the program “Bridging the Generation Gaps” by Dr. Mimi Hull)

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