Recognizing the DiSC® Behavioral Styles

You can identify the different DISC styles by observing peoples’ behaviors.

The “D – Dominant Decisive” type stand with one foot in front and often has one hand in their pocket. They also prefer to sit with one ankle resting on their knee while taking up a lot of space. They like competitive sports and a large desk.

The “I – Influencing, Interactive ” type typically have their feet apart and either talk with their hands or have them both in their pockets. This personality type likes People magazine and keep memorabilia from friends and colleagues displayed in their office.

The “S – Systematic, Steady ” type usually sits with their legs hooked around their chair or have their legs crossed at ankles. They like to display family pictures on their very organized desk and read National Geographic.

The “C – Conscientious, Careful Checker” type stands slightly sideways with arms folded in front and sit sideways with legs crossed. They read technical journals and Discover magazine and display charts and graphs in their offices.

If you work to recognize the different types you can then adapt the appropriate behavioral strategies for each personality type. Doing this improves teamwork, customer service and productivity!

(Taken from DISC Training by Dr. Mimi Hull)

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