Seven Attributes of Successful Leaders


I have been studying leadership for many years and have been fortunate enough to meet and work with some very good leaders. There are some attributes that seem to be constant. They include:

1. Successful leaders are determined. They have big ideas and they work to make them happen.

2. Successful leaders are resilient. They see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow. They see every failure as a step closer to the realization of their dreams and become masters at overcoming obstacles and staying focused on the positive outcome.

3. Successful leaders know that they cannot always control how they feel, but they can control how they act. They keep their tempers in check.

4. Successful leaders constantly seek feedback. They recognize their personal strengths and weaknesses. They play to their strengths and get help to overcome their weaknesses.

5. Successful people surround themselves with good people. They share the recognition and rewards.

6. Successful leaders are constantly learning. They value training both for themselves and others.

7. Successful leaders have passion. They have a purpose and they pursue their dreams with fervor. They do not fear rejection as much as they fear living without a purpose.

I know that there is much more to being a leader, but I have found these 7 qualities to be constant in the successful people that I have met and studied.

What do you think?

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