What is Assertiveness?

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Research has demonstrated that there are culturally specific differences in the perception of assertiveness. However, most definitions and training programs on assertive behavior fail to take culture into account. Simply telling a person that they need to be assertive is not effective. Here are some training tools that can help address these differences:

Flipchart: Yes, a flipchart! We use this tool to write down words that describe what assertiveness means to each person. Visualizing the differences will help the audience understand that assertiveness does not mean the same to everyone.

Behaviorally Based Training. Assertiveness is not simply an on/off switch! What do you want people to do? What are the behaviors that you expect? Be specific.

Simulation-based Training: Simulations give the person an opportunity to practice their assertiveness skills with typical scenarios. We address issues on the spot and correct them before it happens in real-life.

(Assertiveness Training – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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