Hard vs Soft Skills

Technical and job-related skills are a must, but they are NOT sufficient if you want your people to grow. To this, the answer is harsh but real — a professional who wants to do well does not really have a choice. Soft skills are essential.

Initially, technical abilities are important to get good assignments. However, when it comes to growing, it is your personality that matters, especially in large organizations where several people with similar technical expertise compete for a promotion.

The soft skills that are required include:
· Interpersonal skills
· Team spirit
· Business etiquette
· Negotiation skills
· Behavioral traits such as attitude, motivation and time management

“Soft skills training is essential because we do not have it in our academic curricula. Therefore, organizations have to take up the task of grooming employees who are the link between the company and the external world, so that they are able to present themselves better, “says Sumeet Mehta, an equity research analyst with Fortis Securities Ltd.

Do you and your people have great soft skills? If your answer is yes, good for you.

But if your answer is no, then you know it is time to approach either a training organization or a training consultant. Call us today…We can help!

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