Are You Swimming Upstream?


 It is interesting to find that the expression “to swim upstream” is a metaphor for going against prevailing opinion. When we think of salmon swimming upstream back to their place of birth, we see it as an enormous undertaking but they just do it naturally.

Often we take our greatest gifts for granted and think that there is nothing special or worthwhile about what comes naturally to us. Our challenge is to get back in touch with those activities that come naturally and invigorate us, as opposed to activities that tend to drain us.

How to reconnect with the salmon within you:

1. Look back in your life and write down the activities that you enjoyed most as a child. They may provide important clues for the kinds of activities that may energize you today.

2. For each job, hobby and volunteer activity you have done, identify the ones that energized you the most and add these to your list.

3. Look at your list of insights and decide what small step you will take today to increase the time you spend doing things that energize you.

4. When you get stuck on your path of exploration, remind yourself that you are not the only salmon in the river and seek support.

The energy you gain from engaging in these activities will fuel you to continue exploring your natural strengths.

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