Six Things People Love to Hear

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• I’ve heard good things about you. Letting someone know that they’re liked by others helps them to like you. Warning: if you say, I have heard things about you, they will fear it’s negative!
• I think we have ___ in common. Holding things in common builds a relationship. Food, geography, people, find a connection!
• I’m following up about ____. Following up is very important and very few people do!
• Let’s set a definite time to get together! Rather than a lukewarm offer to get together “at some point”, get it on the calendar.
• Let me see if I understand where you’re coming from. This shows that you are listening.
• I’m not sure about that but I think we can do this. The that-this dynamic is effective because it acknowledges the other’s perspective and gives them a concrete option. Just because something isn’t a person’s first choice doesn’t mean it’s a bad one.
(From Communication Skills Program – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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