When Reward Becomes Expectation

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Some of our clients run into the problem of over-rewarding their employees.  Once overcompensated for their efforts, employees can get into a “what have you done for me lately” mentality.  What had been a reward or a privilege becomes an entitlement or perhaps even a right.  No longer is it a motivation but rather an expectation.  If this is your situation, there are ways to correct your generous habits without eliminating them completely.

1. One Time vs. Every Time.  Manage expectations.  Let employees know that just because you do something once does not mean you will do it every time.

2. Vary Awards.  Expected rewards become viewed as an entitlement and have less motivational impact than if you vary the award.  When you keep things fresh, it makes life less predictable and more motivational.

3. Reground Recognition.  The recognition needs to be about personal thanks and commendations on a job well done, not the gift cards and free lunches.

4. Reward with Value.  Start rewarding with things that employees say they value most; time off, flexible hours, earned perks and privileges and learning opportunities.  These types of incentives will add excitement and enthusiasm to the workplace.

5. Make it a Win/Win.  Do something for your employees that will help you as well. For example, some of our clients do a training day and let their employees choose the topic.  Selecting from options such as improved communication, time management, or stress management, employees feel rewarded and you get more productivity!

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