Should You Do a Personality Assessment?

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Have you done a personality assessment? Our favorites are the DiSC® and the Myers Briggs (MBTI®).  The problem with working in remote teams, project teams or volunteer teams is you don’t have the chance to observe each other and develop accurate impressions.  Personality profiles help your team to quickly understand each other and work better together. Here are some advantages to your team taking a personality profile:

  • It is a great team building activity because they are often easy and fun to do.
  • You can prevent or clear up misunderstandings.
  • You discover that your quiet team member may have great ides but won’t shout things out to get heard and you need to have a one-on-one conversation.
  • You get a sense of how to lead.  You learn who needs more monitoring and encouragement, and who wants to be left alone.
  • They also give people the language to explain what they need to be successful.  We sometimes know what we need and want but lack the right words to express them.

As to which tool you should use, that depends on what behaviors are important for your team. One size does not fit all and we can help with that decision. Yes, taking assessments take an investment of time, money and energy but reward always follows investment…Always!

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