Trashing a Boss – DON’T!

Your boss does something horrible. Shouldn’t the world know? The simple answer is ‘NO!” Why not? First of all, “venting” only makes you feel better temporarily particularly if you vent to coworkers. People get together and the stories begin and what starts out as truth gets blown out of proportion.

Another good reason is that, more often than not, your boss will discover that you have said something and you will be branded as being negative. Negativity has a way of sounding egotistical – as if you know how to run things better than anyone else. When that kind of negativity catches on in the workplace, it’s distracting, and reduces productivity. So, from an organizational perspective, it’s usually better to fire a bad-mouthing employee – no matter how valid the complaints may be.

In addition, bad bosses don’t get mad, they get even. How? By passing over you for promotions, not giving you a raise or a bonus, giving you the crummy jobs and not giving you credit for the good things you do even when you deserve it. These types of retributions can be worse than getting fired!

Remember, when you’re frustrated, every little thing feels like a massive blow! Take a deep breath, take time to think things over and don’t take chances. The job you save may be your own!


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