Dear Dr. Mimi: Age Before Beauty?

Dear Dr. Mimi:

I have worked in a small office for five years. Recently, we had a younger, and well, let’s be honest, prettier member join our team. She prances around and flirts with the boss. This past week, we presented a project to a client in
which “younger and prettier” gave little input but somehow managed to get all the credit from the boss. Whom do I confront to get the recognition I deserve?

—Older But Wiser

Dear Older But Wiser:

Your boss may currently be blinded by “young and pretty,” but he will soon recognize who works the hardest and is the most reliable. I would not confront either party. Encourage this new member to be a team player and share her ideas. Perhaps she has them but is afraid to speak up. Show her how she can incorporate her ideas with yours and how working together benefits everyone. As for your boss, let your input on the project be known. Make an appointment and inform him about which parts of the project were yours and how others helped in different areas. That way, he will know where to give credit, not only to you but to others as well.

—Dr. Mimi

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