Dealing With the Rumor Mill

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What should you do when you hear rumors … especially scary ones or, worst of all, rumors about you?

Don’t indulge in gossip. While it is natural to huddle and discuss problems, the more you listen the more stressed you will get. There is always someone who is pessimistic about the company. Also, management sometimes leaks information just to see employees’ reaction before implementing initiatives.

Get the real picture. Research how your company is performing now and in the near future. Its position in the market can help determine where your job stands.

Check out your company’s history of hiring and firing. Has your company let go of people before, or does it try to accommodate employees when possible? No company likes to sack employees without a reason as it demoralizes those remaining and encourages gossip-mongering.

Talk to someone responsible. Speak to someone who can give you the real picture like your immediate boss, the chief financial officer or a human resource manager.

Don’t act in haste. Don’t start sending out your résumé just because you have heard your company isn’t doing well. If the rumors are true, you can prepare by surveying your options or by talking informally with placement consultants about the situation. Remember, a job in hand is better than two offer letters.

Deal with rumors, especially if they are about you. With success comes jealousy, followed by nasty rumors. Find out the source of the rumors and confront them directly, calmly and in private. Tell that person that you have heard that he started a rumor about you, which is upsetting and untrue. Most people, when confronted in a dignified manner, feel guilty and apologize for what they claim is a misunderstanding. Warning: If this person is a gossip monger, choose your words carefully. They may be transmitted to the rest of the office!

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