8 Tips to Keep Up With Change

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There is no way to stop the world from changing, so follow these tips to keep up and ahead of the game.

1. Don’t fight change. You can’t stop markets, trends and technology from changing, so learn to go with the flow.
2. Adopt a predictive managerial style. Don’t wait for things to happen to make a move. Anticipate problems and provide contingency plans.
3. Test your contingency plans. Waiting for disaster to strike is a dangerous way to find out if your emergency plan will hold. Test them out from time to time to fine-tune them and make sure they’re still relevant.
4. Identify the positives. Even the most negative changes can have positive aspects to them. Being able to identify and maximize them can help make adapting less painful.
5. Be quick to adapt. Learn to adapt to changing situations quickly and be able to change plans on the spur of the moment if the situation requires it.
6. Stay tuned to external factors. Your business is affected in many ways by outside factors. Keep abreast of these so you can anticipate any sudden market changes that would affect how you need to manage.
7. Put in place a Research and Development plan. Encourage innovation and creativity to stay ahead of the demand for newer and better products and services.
8. Keep an eye on the competition. Don’t let the competition get the best of you. Keep up-to-date with what they’re doing and use it to your advantage in managing your business.

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