Communication Essentials

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We are often asked what makes a person a good communicator. In our classes, we help people to do these four things that form the cornerstone of good communication, be they written or oral.

Be confident and open. Do not apologize before you say something. Statements like “I may be wrong but I think …” dilute your message and turn off the listener. It is okay to be strong in your opinions and statements, as long as you remember that whomever you’re communicating with has their own thoughts, feelings, perspectives, ideals and objectives.

Listen and do not interrupt. Listen carefully, not just to what people are saying, writing or emailing, but for the meaning and feeling behind the words. If you are formulating your response as the other person is talking, you are not fully listening. Remember you need to tune into how something is said as much as what is said.

Be direct and concise. Say what you mean and mean what you say. The same goes for writing. Make your point upfront. On e-mail, people should not have to scroll down through lots of verbiage to learn what you are wanting or saying. Communicate as directly, concisely and economically as possible. Time is important and people want you to use their time wisely.

Be honest and authentic. Trust is essential and when you are both truthful and real, people will listen and feel comfortable working with you. You can be both honest and diplomatic by thinking before you speak and choosing your words carefully.

These four principles sound easy enough, but implementing them takes time, training and practice. Having said that, the rewards are great. When done well, you will find that people will also follow you, which, by the way, is the core of leadership!

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