What Bosses Want!


Competence is important but bosses expect more. So what does your boss want?
Knowledge. Bosses need people who know more than the basics of their job. Develop a specific area of expertise that your boss values.
Inclusion. Bosses secretly fear that employees are screwing up and either not telling them or (even worse) aren’t aware there’s a problem. If your boss asks you a question about what’s happening, answer directly. Make “keeping the boss in the loop” a priority.
Credibility. Do what you say you’re going to do. If you want your boss’s trust, your word has to carry weight.
Professionalism. Bosses appreciate individuals who are serious about what they do and work to achieve a deep understanding of their job.
Integrity. A test of integrity is whether you’ll take a stand, complete with facts, when it’s unpopular. The boss has the final decision, but it’s your job to make sure it’s the right one.
Caring. Bosses value relationships with direct reports who care about them. Show that you’re truly concerned by responding with solutions rather than excuses.
Visibility. Bosses are forgetful. Make sure yours knows just how valuable you are. Even if she assigned your work to you, in the crush of daily pressures, your contribution could easily get forgotten.
Clairvoyance. Deliver what the boss may need or want before he knows she wants it. Anticipate her needs and you will be seen as a leader and problem solver both!

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