Train Your Board!


         We have found that nonprofit board members are often passionate about the organization, but it takes more than passion to govern well. Board members must understand their role, their relationship to staff, and leadership techniques. Training, especially when facilitated by an outside person, can help board members become acclimated to these multiple roles.
         Individuals new to the nonprofit arena need to be taught the nuances of working with volunteer organizations. Veteran board members must continually train lest they get stuck in “but we’ve always done it that way.” All board members may need training in decision making, overcoming conflicts, (especially personality conflicts), tactful persuasion, and strategic planning. Board members must develop carefully refined leadership skills to function properly in today’s changing environment. It is also important for them to work as a team so team building is crucial.
         Training needs to include the roles and responsibilities of the board. We have found that it is crucial that the board as well as staff agree on what board members are expected to do (and not do!) for the organization to operate smoothly.
         Training your Board is an investment that pays great dividends. What training will you schedule sooner than later???

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