Dear Dr. Mimi: Postponed Promotion

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I’ve been working for the same company in the same position for almost five years. I’ve been hoping for a promotion for quite some time now, and I’m worried that promotion will never happen. I keep thinking that my boss will discuss my future with the company, but she never does. I do get good reviews, but that is the only feedback I receive. What can I do to make myself more attractive for promotion?
—Going Nowhere

Dear Going:
Talk to your boss. It never hurts to have a private conversation with the one directly responsible for your development within the company. Ask her for an evaluation, and discuss with her what you can do to make yourself a more attractive candidate for promotion. Additionally, politely ask her if you may seek training in other areas of the organization so you can diversify your skills. The more you learn, the more you can potentially earn. Keep an eye out for other job opportunities within the company, and be assertive in declaring your interest in such positions. If you truly feel that you are working at a dead-end job, then it may be in your best interests to seek employment elsewhere. Don’t turn your feeling of hopelessness into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Go out and get what you want!

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