Build Office Camaraderie


We have found that simple actions can foster positive relationships which can reduce turnover and increase productivity.

          Train:Employees will work better together if they know how to best communicate and that takes training.
          Plan Events: Do fun activities. Have a retreat. Go out once a quarter for lunch. Do a service project together. Employees who “play” with their coworkers are more loyal to the company and work harder.
          Teamwork: Instead of individual tasks, have your employees work together. Employees who collaborate feel more secure because they have a team to turn to in difficult times. Be sure to give the team credit when the project is completed.
          Development: Professional development allows your employees to grow and better solve problems. Employees will realize your investment which results in them feeling more invested in return.
          Listen: Encourage employees to share ideas. If employees believe that they can affect the organization, they will buy into the ideas of others, which leads to increased productivity.

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