Are You Too Nice?

         Do you hesitate to complain, blame or critique others even when you know you are right? Is it easier to do it yourself than to ask for help? Do you hesitate to buck the system lest you be thought of as a trouble maker? If so, you may be too nice … or a High S on the DiSC® profile. If you are holding criticism inside, you may be needlessly suffering or struggling with correctable situations. I know, you think that time will cure all ills, but that’s not always the case. And I know, if you get to the “end of your rope,” there is no going back. You are done! You are not a pushover!
         To help yourself and your organization, it is important to speak up even if it’s a difficult subject. As an “S,” you’ve earned the right to say “No.” You have a lot to contribute and don’t have to please everyone. Saying no or questioning a situation can lead to positive change. So gather your resources, plan your approach and share your thoughts and/or make your requests. Your strength is that you are typically friendly, calm and controlled so you will probably be able to deliver the message with tact and diplomacy. In fact, as a High S, you probably can tell someone to go to H____ in a way they look forward to the trip!
         (Call us to find out if you are an “S!”)

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