Promoting Integrity

Promote integrity in the workplace and seek to have it define your organization. How can you promote integrity?
Be a role model. Example is the best way to lead. If you demonstrate honesty and integrity in all situations, your people will catch on and follow suit. Show true character through silent and humble actions which always speak louder than words.
Create a buddy system. While integrity is doing the right thing even if no one is watching, working in pairs tends to keep individuals honest. This keeps them on their toes and requires them to be accountable to a partner.
Train your employees. Promote integrity by holding ongoing seminars and trainings regarding ethics. Choose a value each month to discuss at monthly meetings. Use case studies and role plays so that when faced with a moral dilemma they would have practiced their responses and choices.
Encourage integrity. Integrity is making the correct choice when having to decide between right and wrong. Let your people know that you encourage them to choose “right,” before they find themselves in a situation that requires action. Let them know that integrity is as important as profitability.
Integrity is an important part of the corporate culture. Without it, organizations will ultimately fail. Scandals and scams occur when individuals are not acting with honesty and character.
(From Ethics Training – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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