Dear Dr. Mimi: Naysayer Nightmare

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I am new to management, and new to a department that is full of pessimists and naysayers. What can I do to help?
—Positive Pat

Dear Positive Pat:
Negative people are often craving attention, so it is important to show them respect. You have an advantage being new because they are supposed to share their perspectives with you. Let them do so. Give each person a chance to tell you what is working and what is not. Listen, but be careful not to agree. It is important to note that naysayers can have their points. Look for the reality in the naysayers’ arguments and ask for positive suggestions. When they are positive, or even neutral, show additional appreciation for their input. By doing this, you are having them become part of the solution and can hold them accountable for helping to resolve the issues that they bring up. You always hear me say, “People support what they help create,” and they really do. Most importantly, don’t catch the negativity virus. Find a positive person you can seek out when the negativity gets to be too much.
—Dr. Mimi

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