Stay Focused!

         Distractions can kill your productivity! Anything from a smart phone to office chatter can make us lose focus and waste time. What can you do?
         • Limit distractions. Turn off your phone(s) or work away from your desk to limit visitors.
         • Keep your environment organized and tidy to limit your loss of focus by finding things on your desk to distract you and having what you need to get something done.
         • Set clear daily goals. Construct a list of time scheduled priorities Think how great it will feel when you cross something off your list.
         • Create your “to-do” list as the last thing that you do when you leave work so it is there when you arrive in the morning.
         • Set a specific amount of time to work on one project, rather than working until it is finished. You will actually get more done!
         • Pay attention to your needs. Do you notice that hunger or boredom tends to precede distraction? Understanding your triggers can prevent your losing focus.
         • Schedule short breaks to look forward to. This allows you come back from a short walk or music break much stronger and more focused.
         • And last, but not least, when people ask if you are busy, say, “Yes.” (And then let them know when a better time to talk would be.) People will not know they are killing your productivity unless you tell them.

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