Here Comes Gen Z!

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Generation Z turns 18 this year and are joining the workforce! Here is what you can expect:
Gen Zs are self-directed and individualistic. Zs grew up with fewer constraints, creating one of the most individualistic generations thus far. Working alone, Zs are decisive and quick thinkers, but may resist teamwork. They will benefit greatly from team-building programs.
Gen Zs are always ‘on.’ Zs have always had the Internet. Because they are constantly connected, checking the oddities the web provides, Zs may lack interpersonal and communication skills because of fewer face-to-face interactions.
Gen Zs have always known diversity. Encouragingly, Zs will be more understanding of cross-cultural issues and more tolerant of a diverse workforce than any previous generation. They will wonder why you are even talking about it. It is simply a fact of life!
Gen Zs multitask and make mistakes! For Zs, watching TV while making status updates and “listening” to conversations is typical. Therefore, Zs’ ease at multitasking and gathering information is astonishing. At work, keeping assignments welldefined and structured is important. Zs’
restless mentality fosters the constant ‘need’ for stimuli, which lead them to become easily bored and impatient and make mistakes. Work that facilitates learning and skill-building will make Zs happy, productive employees.
Gen Zs think they are smarter! Zs constant link to the web makes them think they are knowledgeable, but leads to a false sense of confidence since they don’t question the content. Yet, the ease of gathering information through online sourcing can make Zs a valued asset … once they learn to verify what they have found.
Lastly, be sure to include Zs in your decision-making process, open yourself to mentoring and give Zs the chance to learn, improve and grow. They want stimulation and leadership… so train them!

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