Dear Dr. Mimi: Sneaky Swindler

Dear Dr. Mimi:
There is a young man who is working part time here, and I have noticed that he walks out with little things from the office. For example, last night he walked out with a ream of paper. Last week, it was half a package of pens. Should I say something or mind my own business?

Dear Watchful:
What you are calling “walking out with,” I would call stealing, assuming he does not have permission to take these things. Tell him that you noticed that he “walked out” with the paper. Ask him if he received permission to take it and from whom. If he did not get permission from the correct source, let him know that he needs to ask permission to take things out of the office and who is the correct person to ask. Tell him if he does not have permission and he continues to “walk out” with other items, you will report him to the appropriate person. Then, do it!
—Dr. Mimi

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