Keep the Team Building Spirit Alive!

After we do a team building program, we are often asked how can we keep this positive spirit alive? A simple and cost free way is to build in these team building questions, often known as icebreakers.

WARNINGS! These work best if the team has had a team building program and do not call these icebreakers or you will get a collective groan from your people.

The idea is to ask questions and share responses that are both fun and challenging, and have the goal of improving communications by having people know each other better and, as a result, work better together.

If you have a large group or a quiet group break them up into groups of 2-4 and have them share responses and have one person serve as the reporter. Here are some good questions to ask:

• What was your first job, for which you got a paycheck? (not babysitting or mowing lawns) What did you learn from it?
• What was a trait you admired in someone growing up?
• When you see the color ________ what does that make you think of?
• Complete this sentence: It would surprise people here to know that I__________. (It can be an award you won in elementary school, a sport you played, a skill or hobby you have or had, a person you met, etc.)
• Choose a positive adjective that begins with the same letter as your first name and share how it might describe you?
• If you could have lunch with someone, living or dead, who would that be and why?
• If you had to pick a (pick one!) symbol, an animal, a building, a candy bar, a color, a place, to represent you, what would it be and why?
• If you could relive a day in your life, what would that be? These sound simple and I promise you that they improve communication, boost morale, and keep the spirit of Team Building alive. Let me know your thoughts!
(From Team Building, by Dr. Mimi)

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