You Know You Need an Outside Consultant if…

We have often been asked these questions: “How do I know if I need you?” I think I could use someone to consult withmy team but I am not sure? Would an outside consultant be worth the investment? If any of these situations feel familiar, we can help!
• You have plans or decisions to make and you need an unbiased facilitator.
• You know your team has the ability, but there is not enough accountability.
• You have a bunch of great people and you want them to be better leaders.
• You want to make your team stronger but are not sure how.
• People are “behaving badly.”
• You are challenged when managing your direct reports and/or dealing with your manager.
• You know there is conflict but people aren’t dealing with it.
• There are cliques within your team or organization.
• There are personality conflicts that are not resolved.
• You find setting priorities difficult.
• Your team has had some setbacks lately and could use a sounding board.
• Dealing with people issues are just not your thing.
As you can see, there are lots of issues that can be helped by having someone from the outside work with you or your team. Engaging a consultant can provide the skills necessary to deal with these situations as well provide an objective viewpoint that can propel you and your organization to be even better.

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