Dispelling the Myths of a Workaholic

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You might feel pressured to put in excessive hours at the office, but becoming a workaholic often gives you a skewed perception as to how you’re really performing. Here’s the reality!
You aren’t a superhero: Working long hours doesn’t make you a hero to your
boss , coworkers family or friends.
You aren’t better than others: In your mind you may think that working late into the night makes you better than your coworkers, but it doesn’t. You each have a job to perform and as long as you are getting your job done well, that is what counts.
You are not more productive: Work often expands to fill time. Studies also show that the less sleep you get, the more mistakes you may make and the less effective you are.
Your boss isn’t happier with you: If your boss is allowing you to work endless hours they probably don’t care about you as a person.
You aren’t becoming more successful: Working more isn’t a correlation with success! A successful person knows when to stop and achieve balance in the different aspects of their life, a workaholic doesn’t.

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