Make Mondays Fun-days!

Here are some things to do to jump start the week.

Change up your Monday Meeting.
Assign seating in a new way—perhaps by height, birthday (date not year!), years of service.

Have a Monday Morning training
. We conduct many hour-long trainings and it is amazing to see how much more energy people have after an upbeat and positive training.

Hold contests. The contest need not be work related. Consider trivia, with each employee submitting a question or something silly like who is wearing the most buttons, or having everyone donate their paper clips to a jar and guessing the number of paper clips in the jar.

Find something to celebrate! Share good news. A great bargain, baby walking, losing weight, a call from a good friend, as well as birthdays and anniversaries are all good things to celebrate.

Provide a healthier breakfast food. Instead of donuts or bagels, consider fresh fruits and vegetables with hummus and peanut butter.

Make one Monday month or even a quarter an early departure day or extended lunch day. Even a day shortened by 15 minutes makes the day go by faster.

Keep it cool—Literally
! Lower the temperature on Monday mornings. People have more energy in cooler surroundings … particularly in the summer.

Organize a fun committee. Have people volunteer to come up with fun ideas. Remember, it doesn’t have to be every Monday. After all, you don’t want the fun to become routine!

(From Dr. Mimi’s Keynote Speech)

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