Dear Dr. Mimi: Out of Answers

Dear Dr. Mimi: I sit next to a co-worker who is always running into my manager’s office with complaints about things I did or didn’t do. In actuality, I am not making the mistakes that are being reported. We have a lot of flexibility in the way we can handle things, and just because I don’t do it the same way as my co-worker does not mean that it is wrong. I feel like I’m in high school and my actions are being reported to the principal. I believe that my co-worker wants to see me fail or perhaps get fired. What should I do to change this? —Out of Answers

Dear Out of Answers: To eliminate opportunities for your co-worker to have anything negative to report to your manager about your performance at work, create a pattern to always follow policies, procedures and workplace rules to the letter, and keep your manager informed yourself about what you are doing and why. When working on your daily tasks, exceed your manager’s expectations so that he or she is familiar with the quality of your work. With you as a proven, valued employee, your manager will be less likely to listen to a tattletale. – Dr. Mimi

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