Five Social Media Tips That Apply to Personal Success

1. Less is more. Just as the more social media platforms a business has, the more confusion is caused for clients. If you try to be all things to all people, you will limit your success. Marketing departments should maintain about 3 to 4 social media platforms that allow the most online advertising and engagement for the company. What are your top three skills?
2. Don’t “Over Post”. Your social media platforms should regularly post information that is beneficial and appealing to your clients, employees and supports your image. If you clutter conversations with sidebars and rabbit trails, your important points may get lost. Cluttered newsfeeds make people unfollow you and too much talking makes people avoid you. Keep a balance!
3. Engage! Always engage with your followers on social media. If someone tweets to you, respond! If someone tags you in a Facebook post, share it on your own page. Everyone wants to feel important. For a client or employee to know that you acknowledged them results in more activity. Likewise, a responsive communicator is seen as a good communicator!
4. Take Advantage of Negative Feedback. When a client or employee is not happy with your company and makes that known on social media, respond and make an effort to make amends. This shows that you are not trying to hide anything and it boosts your reputation for honesty and great customer service. Similarly, use any negative feedback from your boss or even a coworker to develop!
5. Try New Things. Social Media is an ever-changing game, as is the workplace. Make sure you are making the necessary changes on a variety of individual platforms. Success is based on trial and error. See what gets responses and what your audience reacts to best! Always strive to make your connections stronger. While change is challenging, it is necessary, both personally and professionally!

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