Getting More From Employees

Employees who are challenged,engaged and valued (emotionally, intellectually, and financially) benefit their organization.
Unleash creativity: Smart companies align employee passions with corporate objectives. Power house companies like Google and 3M ignite enthusiasm within their workplace by allowing their employees to allocate a percentage of their time to their pet projects. Essentially, they are allowed to work on whatever they want. The result… more creativity and innovation!
Challenge intellect: The great Steve Jobs once said, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” Great leaders collaborate with, and learn from their employees.
Improve their skills: Everyone, no matter how talented or knowledgeable,needs developing. A great leader holds regular briefings and develops their team to sustain a competitive
advantage. Leadership isn’t a destination – it’s a process.
Give them a say: Talented people need to have their ideas and insights implemented so as to contribute to the greater good of the organization. Have an open forum at your meetings where anyone can share insights or thoughts on a particular topic.
Lead and Follow: A great leader leads by example, teaches and fosters collaboration. Being a leader is more than just managing people or overseeing a department. A great leader leads so others can follow and follows so others can lead!

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