Dear Dr. Mimi: Perplexing Performance

Dear Dr. Mimi:
Recently, my supervisor evaluated my work and emailed the evaluation to me. I scored the lowest I ever have since I joined this company. I do not know how my performance was scored or the reasons for the comments he gave. The evaluation, I believe, is inaccurate and does not reflect the work I do. This evaluation affects my raise and bonuses. How do I approach my supervisor about this unfair evaluation?

Dear Distraught:
First, reread the evaluation objectively. Sometimes people can be defensive to what is supposed to be constructive criticism. If you still have a problem with the evaluation, schedule a meeting with your supervisor, explaining that you received his comments and had some questions about them. During your meeting with your supervisor, ask him to explain his views and give examples from which you could learn. Ask him to offer suggestions for improvement. Perhaps ask for a re-evaluation, maybe from someone else who knows your work. Whatever the outcome, remember to not take it personally and to use the information as an opportunity to grow.
—Dr. Mimi

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