Plants and Productivity

A positive physical workspace improves productivity and satisfaction. However, an office remodel can be costly, so try adding some plants! Research supports that having plants in the workplace stimulates employee psychological well-being; if people feel that they are healthy and comfortable, they perform better and have better attitudes. Encourage your employees to bring a favorite plant into the office. Personalizing their space adds to the positive effect of the plant.

Plants simulate a thriving and natural environment, similar to walking through a garden. Natural atmospheres reduce stress levels and improve air quality. Try placing a variety of plants around the office as any kind of plant can have a positive influence on the workplace.

Placing plants near the employees with creative projects or priority projects with deadlines may help them be a little more creative and productive! However, workplaces that require intense attention to detail may want to limit the number of plants.

Having too many plants could actually decrease employee performance! If your workplace seems to have too much green, it probably does! Too many plants may cause a distraction. You have to strike a balance. Certain flowering plants create aromas that are pleasant and beneficial for reducing anxiety and lowering blood pressure…as long as the scent is not overwhelming and people are not allergic. The goal is to make the workplace a friendly and comfortable environment, not one where people are breaking out in hives!

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