Curing the Imposter Syndrome

Despite great levels of achievement,people can still believe that they are not capable, intelligent, or creative and have a constant fear of being exposed as a “fraud.” This is the “Imposter Syndrome.” This syndrome affects about 70% of the world’s population at some point in their lives and there are more women than men who feel it. While it can be a reaction to certain situations, it can also have an ongoing effect. This psychological phenomenon often occurs in the workplace especially in high-achievers.
Here are some helpful tips to overcome imposter syndrome:
Talk about it. Most people with Imposter Syndrome are unaware that others feel the same way. If you discuss it with your mentors or managers, you will uncover that even they have felt inadequate. Once you find this out, you will no longer feel alone in this negative experience.
List your accomplishments. Write down a list of accomplishments and success stories that are directly attributed to you.
Take compliments seriously. Write down positive feedback to further remind yourself that you are not an imposter and your hard work is recognized and well deserved.
Accept your mistakes. Everyone is wrong sometimes. That doesn’t make you an imposter … just human.
Stop comparing yourself to the best of others. Each person has strengths but no one person is strong in everything. Focus on what you can do and not what others are doing. You will realize how you are not an imposter but rather how good you really are!

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