Good Enough to Great

How do we go from “good enough” to great? If you want to produce high quality work and advance your career, good enough just won’t cut it. And yes, you can do this without being a perfectionist.
Here’s some tips:
Set High Standards. These standards should not just be related to yourself but the team as well. Work collaboratively with others to set realistic (not impossible!) high standards to achieve a high level of quality, efficiency, and productivity.
Stop multi-tasking. If you don’t do it well, this creates mistakes and thus sub-par work. Work on one thing at a time and giving that your full-undivided attention.
Take a break. Sometimes you need a fresh pair of eyes for what you’re working on. By taking occasional breaks, you will be subconsciously thinking about the assignment while also clearing your head. When you return to that assignment refreshed, you will more likely catch any mistakes you’ve made.
Admit and learn from your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Don’t cover them up. Be accountable and take responsibility. Get advice on how to do better next time and don’t repeat the error!
Help others to be great! Think collaboratively rather than competitively. How can your department be better? Who can use your knowledge? By helping others you will grow as well.

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