Patriarchal Leadership

Patriarchy still exists in many companies today. Throughout the centuries patriarchy has been associated with male dominance. However, with more women in leadership roles, a patriarchal style of leadership can be exhibited with female leaders (matriarchal). A patriarchal is a leadership model where the boss maintains a clear line of authority with special privileges with the employees as subordinates but still considered a part of the family. Often unconsciously, this creates a we vs. them mentality. Here are some warning signs of patriarchal style of leadership:
Employees and coworkers are treated “like family.” It may sound good on the surface but this may breed ‘sibling’ rivalries, resentment, and jealousy if some get some special favors or perks.
Too much leniency. This attitude thrives in patriarchies because leaders, who think they are being benign, give employees too much leniency. As a result, employees feel permitted to do whatever they want and there is a lack of accountability. Over time, this will become a grave issue for everyone and the organization will lose its integrity.
Sense of entitlement. In a family style of leadership, leaders and employees alike will feel a sense of entitlement. What was once a privilege becomes a right. What was once a bonus becomes an expectation. If you are working in a patriarchy or matriarchy and things are not going well, it is important to recognize and respond. After all, no organization needs to become a dysfunctional family. Dr. Mimi has worked with and can help you with this situation .

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