Celebrating Valentine’s Day at Work

Love may be the theme of Valentine’s Day, but in the office the more important theme is discretion. Here are some useful tips for navigating and enjoying Valentine’s Day in the workplace:

Don’t flirt or profess your love or feelings for another colleague.
Don’t bring your personal relationship into the office. No parading around the office with the flowers you received—nor complaining that you didn’t get any!
Don’t buy your boss or any one person a gift that is from just you. Keep it professional!
Don’t give a distracting gift (such as a singer, dancer or any other performer).
Don’t send an anonymous Valentine’s card.

Do a “heart” activity—like collecting pet food for an animal shelter.
Do use the holiday to promote a sense of togetherness in the workplace like encouraging everyone to wear something red.
Do be mindful of other’s feelings and emotions.
Do bring candy or goodies to share. Put them in the break room, so it is known that they are meant for everyone.
Do create an “Appreciation Board” where everyone can share what (not who) they “love” about their job or coworkers.

Whatever you do, keep it professional. If it might be taken wrongly, don’t do it!

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