Making Good Decisions

Making a decision can be hard. Decisions can seem so definitive and final and that can keep you from wanting to make them. Some things that prevent good decision making are overthinking, in-group favoritism and wanting to have it all. Don’t get mired in the “what ifs” of a decision when you should be moving forward because, in fact, not making a decision is making one! Here are some more helpful hints for making good decisions.

Identify your purpose. It is important to know what your priorities are and how this decision will move you closer to your goal.

Listen to your gut. Your intuition is often a source of information you should consider.

Avoid making decisions when your emotions are high and your reasoning is low. Strong, unbiased decisions should be made with a clear head. Creating a list of pros and cons can be an effective way to evaluate and weigh the choices you have in a decision.

Thinking ahead can help you explore your options better. Evaluate and write down the risks and rewards associated with the decision. Don’t let unreasonable fears stop you from making a decision. If the decision is well thought out and there are reasonable rewards, go with it.

The decision should be feasible. You should ask yourself the question “Is it realistic?” If something seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Ask yourself, “Who will be affected and how?” Look at the risks and rewards not only for yourself, but also for others as well.

Consider who else should you consult. Is there anyone whose advice would be helpful? If so, communicate with them in an engaging way and get them involved. Others may recognize flaws you don’t see in a decision and/or can help you to reconcile them.

Recognize that it’s okay to ask for advice, and still make your own choice. Don’t make a decision because you simply want to please others.
(Excerpted from Dr. Mimi Hull’s Program on Leadership)

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