Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever received a job or an unexpected promotion? Were you scared that, in reality, you had no idea what you were doing, while your boss and coworkers assured you that you were doing great? If so, you may have been suffering from Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter Syndrome usually plagues high-achieving individuals and affects 8 of 10 individuals, primarily women, at some point in their life. If this is you and you hold on to these self-doubts, it can sabotage your work performance and productivity.

What can you do?
Accept praise and stop apologizing. People who have imposter syndrome often struggle with accepting praise and tend to say they are sorry even when they haven’t done anything wrong. Take the time to receive and appreciate the praise
you often hear!

Be productive, not perfect. The root of Imposter Syndrome is often perfectionism. It is easy to get caught up in little details, constantly revise your work, lose sight of the bigger picture and even miss a deadline. For this reason, it is much better to get something done and focus on productivity rather than perfection.

Accept yourself. It is easier to accept yourself when you practice self-compassion and get support from trusted individuals who will encourage you in times of insecurity. You don’t have to be perfect to be great!

Empower yourself. Engage in activities that empower you and make you feel good about yourself. Recognize your

Celebrate successes. Acknowledge your successes and all the hard work you did to achieve them. Display the certificates, letters, trophies, and prizes that you have earned! This will help you to work through the distorted perceptions that you are unqualified.

Get help. If Imposter Syndrome is still affecting you, get help from a professional. Remember, feeling like a fraud often is just a thought, and with help, that thought can be changed and you can have a happier and even more
successful life!

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