Being a Better Coworker!


Going to work every day means being with the same people daily. Cultivating healthy coworker relationships increases collaboration, job satisfaction, and efficiency. Here’s how to be a better coworker!

Be attentive. Listen more than you talk. When a coworker is talking about either personal or work matters, show that you care by giving them your undivided attention. Practicing unselfish understanding, rather than defending your perspective increases respect and builds trust.

Bring up details discussed in past conversations. For example, if a coworker has mentioned a project they were starting, follow up and, in a later conversation, ask how it is going. This lets your coworkers know that you listened and care about their work.

Understand their communication style. Understanding that a coworker may have a different communication style or interprets things differently gives you added insight and can optimize your relationship. Remember different isn’t wrong!

Share difficult issues in a timely and respectful manner. Talk with your coworkers, not about them! “Not talking” with someone only makes things worse!

Have a perspective mindset. Put yourself in their shoes. Work to see things from their perspective. Show empathy and be considerate. Doing this helps minimize conflict and solves problems more effectively and efficiently.

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