Mindfulness as a Time Management Tool!

Incorporating mindfulness into your routine will not only relieve stress but also improve time management skills. Many notable organizations from Google to General Mills have begun implementing mindfulness training for employees. Here are some methods that could help. Simple breathing exercises are an effective introduction to practicing mindfulness. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed and stressed, simply close your eyes, count 10 deep breaths, and focus on your body taking air in and out. This can re-center and set your goals and intentions for the day. Focus on one task at a time. While multitasking can seem like a good chance to get as much done as possible, it is harmful in terms of time management. More mistakes are made! Meditation is a more fully encompassing approach to mindfulness. Meditation can take as little as five minutes and allows you to focus on your body and mind to gain a better understanding of your wants and needs. With this better understanding, you can make better choices about the projects or tasks you take on. If you take on a task that you know you don’t have the time or skills to accomplish, it can lead to feeling more overwhelmed and stressed. Mindfulness benefits how you communicate thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others, which leads to better time management. With proper communication, it is easier to accomplish what you need to do in a more timely manner.

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